Industrial Visit | Academic Year - 2021 22 | 11 Jun, 2022

One day Industrial visit was organised by "SVFC" with prior permission from principal Dr. D Jogish on 01-01-2022 to Ace Micramatic Group.
The visit was planned for the student of BBA & B.Com accomplished by Prof Pavan and Prof Priyadarshini.
The bus left the college campus by 8:45am with a total of 40 students. The group reached the plant by 10:45am. After going and briefing of the rules and guidelines to be followed the students were taken to training hall.
Mr. Rajesh executive director at the plant gave a brief presented about the Ace Micromatic Group the India's Largest manufacturer of CNC turning centres.
From CNC Lathes to tooled up & Automation Solutions and Special Applications. Expanding Global Footprint 35000+ CNC Lathes installed worldwide. Leadership powered by innovation only manufacturing facility in India with an assembly line.
From the visit students felt happy and have gained the knowledge about management and planning activities. After the visit students and staff members expressed their sincere thanks to company HR Asst manager and plant head for providing this opportunity.