Faculty And Staff
All the faculty members of SVFC are excellent and committed teachers with diverse backgrounds. They are actively involved in developing and incorporating new interactive teaching methodologies for the benefit of the students. In addition to their excellent academic and professional credentials, faculty at SAI VIDYA FIRST GRADE COLLEGE have set high standards of moral and ethical values, empowering them to be true role models.

Department of Commerce
Sl No Name of the Employee Qualification Designation
01 Dr. D Jogish Ph. D Principal
02 Prof. Mahesh N B M.COM, B.Ed., PGDMM., MA-Eco, PGCHRM,(Phd) Head of the Department
03 Prof. Mary M M.Com Asst. Professor
04 Prof. Manushri A M.COM Asst. Professor
05 Prof. Swetha K V M.COM, PGDBA Asst. Professor
06 Prof. Sandhya M.COM Asst. Professor

Department of Management
Sl No Name of the Employee Qualification Designation
01 Dr. D Jogish Ph. D Principal
02 Prof. Pavan Kumar R M.Com,PGDBA, (MBA), (Ph. D) Head of the Department
03 Prof. Nagashree L M.COM Asst. Professor
04 Prof. Suma G M.Com Asst. Professor
05 Prof. Vishwas MBA Asst. Professor

Department of Computer Apllications
Sl No Name of the Employee Qualification Designation
01 Dr. D Jogish Ph. D Principal
02 Dr. Kala S Ph. D Head of the Department
03 Prof. Nisha S K M.Tech Assistant Professor
04 Prof. Divyamani M K M.Tech Assistant Professor
05 Prof. Shreema K N Msc Assistant Professor
06 Prof. Harisha MCA Lab Instructor

Department of Humanities
Sl No Name of the Employee Qualification Designation
01 Prof. Anil Kumar H S MA B.Ed Asst. Professor
02 Prof. Rashmi R MA, Bed Asst. Professor
03 Prof. Anjappa MA,B.Ed,NET Asst. Professor
04 Prof. Jhanvi MA,B.Ed,NET Asst. Professor

Sl No Name of the Employee Qualification Designation
01 Dr Manjunath S R B.A MLISc Ph.D Librarian and Head
02 Mr Naveen Kumar H C B.A MLISc   Asst. Librarian

Physical Education Department
Sl No Name of the Employee Qualification Designation
01 Mr Vijayakumar K B.A M.P.Ed   Physical Education Director